Hania Zaidi

Priyank Badola has completed his MSc in Outdoor Education from the Moray House School of Education at the University of Edinburgh. After working in the consumer banking group with DBS Bank, he followed his passion to work as an outdoor educator and a mountain guide in India, Nepal, Scotland and the U.S. He worked with school and college students in the non-formal education sector by leading multi-day backpacking trips and teaching them about landscape, ecology, and environmental education while supporting their personal-social development. He is passionate about working with the youth and truly believes in the power of dialogue and experiential learning. Through his practice, he wishes to equip young learners with transformative experiences to be leaders of change. Priyank is working as a Senior Program Coordinator at Seeds of Peace since December 2020 and continues to work in the field of social impact and outdoor education sectors. Priyank is a certified wilderness first responder, geek about the outdoors and has travelled across continents to climb big mountains. He is a storyteller who enjoys reading non-fiction books, finding new cafes and trying different blends of coffee.